
Why I Travel: Exploring the Adventure, Freedom, and Gamification of Travel

Why do I travel? Probably the same reason that most people travel. Travel is exciting and adventurous. Travel is fun.

My Unique Approach to Travel

With that said, I travel a lot more than most people do, almost to a point of obsession. I also travel differently than most people do. On this particular adventure, I visit 3 different countries in the Caribbean, taking 7 different flights and staying in four different hotels, all in the span of four and a half days.

Why I Choose to Travel Intensely

Most people would find a trip like this silly or even ridiculous. Why would anyone want to travel like that? It sounds exhausting and you don’t even have enough time to enjoy any one place. You end up spending more time in airports and hotels than you do exploring a new place.

The Deeper Reasons for My Travel

That brings me back to my original question. Why do I travel? It is a lot more for me than just fun and adventure.

The Growth Aspect of Travel

Stepping Outside Comfort Zones

I believe that the best way to grow is to step outside of your comfort zone.

Appreciation through Absence

The best way to appreciate all that you have is to remove yourself from all that you have.

Embracing Open-Mindedness

The best way to remain open-minded and accepting of others is to enter a new environment. Travel accomplishes all of that for me. Many people travel to escape reality. For me, it is the opposite, I travel in search of reality.

The Gamification of Travel

Leveraging Travel Industry Knowledge

Of course, for me, there is a gamification aspect as well. By taking advantage of my ever-growing knowledge of the travel industry and the world of credit cards/miles/points, I can pull off experiences at an incredible value which provides me immense gratification.

The Excitement of Travel Challenges

There is freedom to travel. While many people find the process of it (navigating booking processes and airports and rental car centers and hotels) stressful, I find it an exciting challenge. The challenge of being able to do it better than most other people excites me. The ability to know how to navigate with ease and therefore affording me opportunities to bounce around countries the way I do creates a freedom that is difficult to explain but is exhilarating.

The Privilege and Financial Aspect of Travel

Acknowledging Travel Privilege

Travel is a tremendous privilege that most cannot afford; I do not take that for granted. I find myself to be extremely privileged. With that said, I am not able to afford to do what I do without my industry knowledge and skills, which I take pride in.

Cost-Effective Travel Techniques

Often, I can take a trip where I actually make money. Get paid to travel? That sounds impossible. Well, not exactly getting paid, but there are times where the total cost of a trip is less than what it would cost me to stay home.

Elevating the Travel Experience

The Airport Lounge Experience

I say this as I type from the Amex Centurion Lounge in Charlotte, awaiting my boarding to Grenada. I was able to arrive in the lounge without issue by checking in on the Amex mobile app from the airport shuttle en route to CLT. TSA pre-check and Clear allowed me to get through security in a crowded airport in less than 5 minutes. I had a nice breakfast and a mimosa with a view of departing planes, about as good as it gets.

Efficient Travel Planning

I arrived at my gate just as my group was boarding, effectively resulting in me spending more time on the jet bridge than at the gate. I would classify this as an elevated travel experience. Many people would find the process of arriving at an airport stressful, time-consuming, frustrating, and uncomfortable.

Maximizing Travel Rewards

Using Miles and Points

This trip, like most of my trips, was purchased with a combination of airline miles, hotel points, certificates, credits, credit card perks, and cash. Also, like most of my trips, a good portion of my meals, snacks, and alcoholic beverages are free. That is possible thanks to various airline, hotel elite, and credit card elite status and membership perks.

Financial Strategy in Travel

Depending on where the cash component of a trip nets out, the cost of traveling versus staying home varies. The value component, or gamification aspect to my travel, provides its own degree of satisfaction to me. As amazing as it feels when I breathe in the air of a new country for the first time, the feeling of booking a new trip using nothing but miles and points rivals that.

The Intricacies of Travel Planning

The Work Behind the Scenes

Sure, it’s a lot of work. There is a lot that goes into this process. It involves a great deal of knowledge of many different airline and hotel loyalty programs, credit card programs, airline route maps, lounge locations and rules, balancing spend on many different credit cards, staying on top of blogs and travel news, using various apps, upfront and annual investment to cover costs of membership fees and point purchases, and much more. It sounds like a lot of work, but for me, it’s fun. Once you have the formulas down and you see the results, it becomes more of an ongoing puzzle that pays dividends as you solve it.

Handling Travel Disruptions

What about when things do not work out the way they should? Another component of travel that many people find stressful is dealing with unexpected changes (delays, cancellations, missed connections, etc). Sure, those instances can be frustrating, and while they are not entirely avoidable, they can be greatly minimized with the right knowledge and tools.

Flexibility and Strategy in Travel

Change and cancellation flexibility is often much greater with reservations purchased through miles and points. This allows for last-minute changes, cancellations, and bookings with no penalties. Elite status provides an opportunity to make changes with greater priority and ease. Using various apps to stay on top of flight and weather patterns allows for staying ahead of issues before others. Knowing how to book strategically by leveraging one-way flights and taking advantage of generous rules can make the difference between making or missing a flight.

The Excitement of the Unknown

Adapting to Unforeseen Circumstances

Leveraging “trip nurturing” techniques to make modifications leading up to the trip is crucial. Using this trip as an example, I made my initial booking many months ago when I found the low mileage fare. Then, as the trip approached, I booked backup flights that I knew I could cancel to give myself multiple options. I canceled and rebooked when I saw prices drop. Also, I followed weather patterns in my departure, layover, and arrival cities. I rebooked hotels when I saw price drops. I navigated flights and hotels to where I would have a greater chance of upgrades.

Embracing Adventure

These techniques can help ensure a better travel experience, fewer disruptions, and smoother transitions to save time. However, maintaining a positive and laid-back attitude is always the best approach, as unforeseen circumstances are par for the course when traveling and things do not always work out the way you want them to.

The Thrill of Adventure

Seeking New Experiences

I suppose that the excitement of the unknown is another big reason that I travel. I consider myself an adventurous person. My greatest source of excitement is being in a new situation where I am not entirely sure what is going to happen. In fact, I recently discovered that I may in fact be addicted to that excitement.

Balancing Structure and Spontaneity

Of course, travel is the best medium for that type of excitement. As a very structured and detail-oriented person, I have countless notes and spreadsheets to track all of travel, finances, short- and long-term goals, and various other aspects of my life. I usually have a plan and follow a predetermined agenda. Perhaps this is why I seek the excitement of the unexpected in such an extreme way. I have come to not only accept this reality, but to embrace it. Moreover, I let my yearning for excitement power my passion for travel. I see this as my superpower.


Travel, for me, is not just about the destinations but the thrill of the journey itself. The excitement of the unknown fuels my passion for exploration, pushing me to step outside my comfort zone and embrace new experiences. Despite my structured and detail-oriented nature, I find joy in the unpredictability of travel. This balance between planning and spontaneity is what makes my adventures exhilarating and fulfilling. By embracing this reality, I have turned my love for adventure into a superpower, allowing me to navigate the world with a unique perspective and boundless enthusiasm.

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Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.

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