
Exploring Domestic Travel in the USA: From St. Louis to San Diego

Beginnings in St. Louis

I am starting this project with the very first country I visited. Born in St. Louis, MO in April of 1979, I lived there until college. Subsequently, I spent 4 years in the Washington DC suburbs before relocating to New York City for 2 years. After NY, I moved back to St. Louis where my career took off and after 12 years, decided to make the leap to move to San Diego where I have been ever since.

The USA is my favorite country and San Diego is my favorite city in the USA. Don’t get me wrong, this country is far from perfect, and there are times I just want to leave. However, with all its flaws, its freedom, opportunity, and quality of life are unrivaled compared to any place I have traveled.

Discovering Domestic Airlines in the USA

I started my travel obsession domestically. When I was in college, I chose to do an assignment about domestic airlines for one of my business classes which really piqued my interest in the airline industry. I was a big Southwest Airlines fan. I liked that they found success through a completely unique business model of flying point to point rather than the traditional hub and spoke model. 

Having lived close to BWI, there were a lot of Southwest cities within reach. Additionally, there was a great hack in those days. Their old frequent flyer system provided credits for each flight flown, rather than miles or points. It only required 4 credits to earn a free flight, which could in turn be redeemed on any Southwest flight. What made it even better was that they had an enhanced deal for college students where you only needed 3 credits for a free ticket. 

This meant I could effectively fly 3 cheap short-haul flights to destinations such as Albany, Hartford, Norfolk, etc., which regularly could be purchased for $29 and then redeem the free flight to locations such as LAX, LAS, and SFO. I jumped on this opportunity and found myself taking frequent 1- or 2-day trips to regional cities and some free cross-country trips to larger west coast cities.

Developing a Passion for Travel

This experience was what ultimately fueled both my travel bug and my passion for finding travel hacks. I found that I really enjoyed the travel experience and especially enjoyed discovering new cities. Even though these regional cities were not too far from me, distance-wise, I enjoyed discovering the subtle differences in cultures and the overall look and feel from city to city. This was of course amplified when I started venturing out internationally, but it started with domestic travel.

Working with Southwest Airlines

I was enjoying the Southwest Airlines life so much that I decided I wanted to work for them. This led me to discover a small marketing office in Columbia, MD, just 15 minutes from my residence in College Park. Intrigued, I called them to inquire about internships, only to receive a disappointing ‘no’ in response. Not willing to take no for an answer, 

I convinced them that they should let me intern at no cost to them and they ultimately agreed. That experience not only brought me more free travel, but it made me even more interested in the business of travel and the airline industry.

Traveling with a Companion Pass

I eventually doubled down on my Southwest obsession, obtaining a companion pass soon after I got married and moved back to St. Louis (another Southwest hotspot) through a promotion. That allowed me to travel with a free companion for almost two years and I took full advantage. For that period, I was traveling to a new Southwest city every other week. I was fascinated by how interesting and unique so many of the US were and I set a goal of getting to all 50 states.

Unique US Cities

I found that the more unique and different the location, the more I appreciated and enjoyed it. Some examples of cities that fit into that bucket are Santa Fe, New Orleans, Anchorage, Honolulu, and Bangor. I loved how vast the differences were from places like Florida to Colorado. I could not get enough. That yearning for new travel experiences eventually led to international travel which took it to another level. 

Once international travel started, domestic travel took a backseat, which left me a few states short of my goal for a very long time. It wasn’t until recently (2022) when I finally took a trip to the Dakotas to cross states 49 and 50 off my list. After completing my country rundown, I will look to do the same for the US states.


Reflecting on my journey through the USA, from my birthplace in St. Louis to my current home in San Diego, I realize how my passion for travel was kindled domestically. The unique experiences I had while exploring different cities and states, fueled by my fascination with the airline industry and the travel hacks I discovered along the way, shaped my love for travel. 

Each city, whether it was a regional gem like Santa Fe or a major hub like New York City, offered something distinct and memorable. My adventures with Southwest Airlines, including the strategic use of their frequent flyer program and the companion pass, provided countless opportunities to explore and appreciate the vast diversity within the United States.

Although my travels eventually extended internationally, the foundation was built on domestic exploration. Completing my goal of visiting all 50 states was a significant milestone, reflecting the breadth of experiences and the deep appreciation I have for the different facets of American culture and landscapes. 

As I continue my journey, both domestically and abroad, I remain committed to discovering new places, understanding diverse cultures, and sharing my experiences with others. The USA, with its imperfections and unparalleled opportunities, will always hold a special place in my heart as the starting point of my travel obsession.

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