

Jamaica has come into my writing as a memorable trip.  I spend a few days in Montego Bay with my dad around 12 years ago.  My dad was sick at the time, and I knew it would be one of the last, if not the last, trip we would ever take.  Montego Bay was a fun town with big resorts and American tourists.  We stayed at an All-inclusive Hilton resort on the beach, which was everything you would expect.  Overall, it was a great time.  I also spent one night in a much more off-the-beaten-path area of Montego Bay. It was a small boutique hotel with a more diverse group of guests.  This was when I discovered that fancier does not mean more fun. In fact, it was the opposite. The vibe at this small resort hotel (the name escapes me) was much more lively and fun than the large 5-star resorts.  The Jamaican culture is rich and unique, and people generally seem happy even though the towns are quite poor. If you happen to travel to Jamaica, I highly recommend venturing outside the resort areas and chatting up some locals.

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