
The Benefits of Solo Travel: Embracing Independence and Personal Growth

In my travels, I tend to classify my trips into various types and categories. The types are based on who I am traveling with, and they range from solo travel, family trips, guys’ trips, significant other trips, couples’ trips, father-son trips, and of course, work trips.

The categories signify the theme of the trip and they range from work, vacation/relaxation trips, exploration trips, sports trips, foodie trips, event attendance trips (concerts/shows), life event trips (wedding, birth, death, etc.), mileage run trips, etc. I will talk about the virtues and dynamics of each of these as I experience them.

The Current Journey: A Solo Exploration Trip

My current trip is a solo exploration trip. I try to do at least one solo (not work) trip per year, as I see it as a source for personal growth. Solo travel can be intimidating for some. It can be scary to go to a foreign place without anyone, not knowing what to expect. People by themselves can be more vulnerable to being taken advantage of, especially if they are clearly a tourist. When traveling, it’s always best to research the risks that may exist at a given destination and to have a heightened awareness of your surroundings.

Advantages of Solo Travel

There are definitely some advantages to traveling solo.


For one, flexibility. You are not on anyone else’s schedule which means you can focus on doing the things that interest you and change plans on the fly.

Easier Access

Another advantage is that you will have an easier time accessing things. Being only one person, you will more easily find tickets to events, get into restaurants, or get seats on alternate flights.

Confidence and Outgoing Nature

Solo travel also forces you to be more confident and outgoing. Talking to people and learning about their situations is a big part of travel and traveling solo forces you to make those interactions to a higher degree as you do not have anyone else to talk to. I find that I end up talking to more different types of people when traveling solo than any other type of travel.

Independence and Accomplishment

Another positive is the feeling of independence and accomplishment. The more intimidating the adventure, the greater sense of accomplishment.

Cost Savings

Cost savings is another benefit, specifically for those who are stuck with the bills. Solo travel is around half the cost of a couple’s trip, depending on your accommodations. I tend to stay at more modest places when traveling solo and outside of accommodations, everything else is cut in half.

Greater Appreciation

Lastly, there is a greater sense of appreciation. The best way to appreciate what you have is to remove yourself from all that you have. Traveling solo is the only type of travel that entirely allows for this.

Introspection and Personal Growth

Another value of solo travel is introspection. With nobody by your side, you are left to your own thoughts. This is typically where I have been able to really get in touch with my own emotions and feelings and am able to discover things on a deeper level.

Downsides of Solo Travel

However, solo travel is not without its downsides.

Lack of Shared Experiences

A major downside to solo travel is not being able to share experiences with those you love. Social media is a great way to see what others are up to, but I personally choose not to post my experiences on social networks. I do not like to feel as though I am bragging, and with how much I travel, it would look extremely ostentatious to post every time.


The other major downside is loneliness. When sitting in a hotel room late at night, thousands of miles away from your loved ones, it can feel especially lonely. I find that trying to plan calls/FaceTime with my kids before I go to sleep is the best way to counteract that.


In conclusion, solo travel offers a unique opportunity for personal growth, flexibility, and a deep sense of independence. While it comes with challenges such as loneliness and the lack of shared experiences, the benefits of solo travel often outweigh these downsides. By embracing the journey alone, you can discover new places, meet new people, and gain a greater appreciation for the world and your place within it.

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Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.

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