
Traveling to Colombia: A Memorable July 4th Adventure

Over the years, I’ve developed a habit of traveling on July 4th, a tradition that seems to align with holiday vacations, summer travel schedules, and perhaps even award availability. This year was no different, as I found myself boarding a plane bound for Colombia on Independence Day.

Returning to Colombia: Exploring New Cities

This trip marked my second visit to Colombia, which is somewhat unusual for me. Typically, I prefer exploring new countries rather than returning to places I’ve already been. My first visit to Colombia was around nine years ago when I spent a brief time in Cartagena, a coastal city with a Caribbean vibe. This time, however, I set my sights on the capital city of Bogotá for three days, followed by two days in Medellín. I was eager to experience these cities, which I anticipated would be vastly different from Cartagena.

Bogotá: First Impressions and Acclimating to Altitude

Arrival in Bogotá

My stay in Bogotá began with a three-night visit, although the initial experience wasn’t entirely smooth. The immigration process was frustratingly slow, taking about 30 minutes, and navigating the Uber airport pickup amidst local police restrictions proved challenging. However, upon finally arriving at the JW Marriott in Bogotá’s financial district, I was pleased to receive a suite upgrade, setting a positive tone for the rest of the trip.

Acclimating to Bogotá’s Altitude

On my first morning in Bogotá, I decided to go for a run, despite some trepidation about the city’s high altitude—Bogotá sits nearly 10,000 feet above sea level. To my surprise, I adapted quite well, with only slightly heavier breathing than usual. After a satisfying breakfast in the concierge lounge, we set out to explore the neighborhood, in search of Shabbat takeout food. The highlight of this morning was discovering Yum Babka, a delightful bakery that recently opened and offers delicious Babka.

Exploring Bogotá: A Mixed Experience

Discovering Downtown Bogotá

We ventured downtown to explore Bogotá’s bustling areas, check out some landmarks, and wander through the markets. While the people were friendly, and prices were reasonable, I found the overall city experience to be a bit underwhelming. The architecture and general vibe didn’t quite live up to my expectations. Bogotá is known for its emerald shops and coffee, and we saw plenty of both. When the rain started, we ducked into a cozy café where I sampled a local beer, Club Colombia, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Learning About Bogotá’s Jewish Community

Friday night brought a unique cultural experience as we visited the Sephardi synagogue. Here, we learned about Bogotá’s growing Jewish community, which is rapidly expanding and quite affluent. The city’s safety and affordability have made it an attractive destination for Jewish immigrants from Venezuela and Panama. It was fascinating to observe how Bogotá has become a hub for this community, which is thriving in the city’s welcoming environment.

Medellín: A Lively Saturday Night

After leaving Bogotá, our next stop was Medellín, where we experienced the city’s vibrant nightlife firsthand. Saturday night coincided with Colombia’s big soccer match against Panama in the Copa America tournament. The lively atmosphere in the bar area was electrifying, especially after Colombia’s 5-0 victory. It was the perfect way to wrap up our time in Colombia, surrounded by the energy and excitement of local fans.

Conclusion: A Unique and Enriching Journey in Colombia

My return trip to Colombia offered a mix of new experiences and cultural insights. While Bogotá didn’t quite impress me as much as I had hoped, it provided valuable insights into the local culture and community. Medellín’s lively atmosphere and the energy of the soccer match added a thrilling finale to the trip. Overall, Colombia remains a destination rich in culture, history, and vibrant experiences, making it a memorable place to visit.

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Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.

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