
USA – Where It All Began

I am embarking on a new project, starting with the very first country I had the opportunity to visit. I was born in St. Louis, MO, in April 1979, and spent my childhood there until I went to college. After spending four years in the suburbs of Washington, DC, I moved to the vibrant city of New York for a two-year stint. However, I eventually found my way back to St. Louis where my career flourished. It was after a successful twelve-year stint in St. Louis that I made the bold decision to relocate to the beautiful city of San Diego, where I currently reside.

The United States holds a special place in my heart, and within the country, San Diego has become my favorite city. While it’s important to acknowledge that the US has its fair share of flaws, including moments when I’ve felt the need to move away, I must admit that the freedom, opportunities, and overall quality of life here are unparalleled compared to anywhere else I’ve traveled.

My journey into the world of travel initially began within the borders of the United States. During my time in college, a business assignment focused on domestic airlines sparked my interest in the airline industry. Among them, I developed a strong affinity for Southwest Airlines, which had achieved remarkable success through its unique approach of flying point-to-point instead of the traditional hub-and-spoke model. Living near BWI Airport, I discovered that many Southwest destinations were easily accessible to me. Additionally, I stumbled upon a fantastic hack within their old frequent flyer system, which awarded credits for each flight taken instead of the typical miles or points. Only four credits were needed to earn a free flight, and as a college student, I was fortunate to qualify for an even better deal, needing only three credits for a free ticket. Seizing this opportunity, I started taking frequent short-haul flights to regional cities, which usually cost around $29, and then redeemed my earned credits for free trips to sought-after destinations such as LAX, LAS, and SFO. This experience not only fueled my desire for travel but also ignited my passion for uncovering travel hacks.

What initially fascinated me about travel was the opportunity to explore new cities and immerse myself in different cultures. Even though these regional destinations were relatively close in distance, I discovered that each city had its distinct character and charm. This appreciation for unique experiences grew exponentially when I expanded my travels internationally, but it all began with exploring different corners of the United States.

My love for Southwest Airlines eventually led me to pursue a career with them. After discovering a small marketing office in Columbia, MD, just a short distance from where I resided in College Park, I reached out to inquire about internship opportunities. Initially told that they did not hire interns, I was determined to find a way in. Eventually, I managed to persuade them to let me intern at no cost, and they finally agreed. This experience not only provided me with more opportunities for free travel but also deepened my interest in the business of travel, particularly within the airline industry.

My dedication to Southwest Airlines paid off when I obtained a coveted companion pass shortly after getting married and returning to St. Louis, another major Southwest hub. This pass allowed me to travel with a companion for free for nearly two years, and I took full advantage of this incredible perk. During that time, I made it a goal to visit a new Southwest destination every other week. I was fascinated by the diverse and captivating nature of so many states within the US, and I set a personal objective to explore all 50 states.

I found that the more unique and different a location was, the more I appreciated and enjoyed the experience. Cities like Santa Fe, New Orleans, Anchorage, Honolulu, and Bangor fell into that category for me. I was enchanted by the vast differences between places like Florida and Colorado. My thirst for new travel experiences eventually extended beyond the US borders, which truly elevated my wanderlust to another level. As a result, domestic travel took a backseat for a while, and I found myself a few states shy of reaching my goal. It wasn’t until recently, in 2022, that I finally made a trip to the Dakotas and crossed off the 49th and 50th states on my list. Now that I have completed my rundown of countries, I am excited to embark on a similar journey to explore the states within the US.

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